Amplify impact beyond the walls of classroom


About Me

I’ve been in your shoes – exhausted from the endless grind as a teacher, living paycheck to paycheck. But I made a transformative leap into instructional design, and my life changed dramatically.

Gone are the days of early mornings, late nights, and working weekends. Now, I enjoy financial stability, a flexible schedule, and the freedom to work from anywhere.

Sundays are no longer about work stress; they’re about quality time with loved ones and pursuing my passions.

Let me show you how to make this transition successfully with Teacher2Designer Accelerator Program. 

Cassandre Milard




Contact Me

Feel free to contact me with any inquiries or questions!

Before joining in The eLearning Designer’s Academy, I had no idea where to begin with building my instructional design skills. Tim helped me gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to build my portfolio. Tim is the expert in this field, and I would highly recommend this program to anyone trying to learn how to design performance-based eLearning for their organizations.

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