Career Transition

Transitioning from Teaching to Instructional design: Tips for success


Are you a teacher who is considering shifting from classroom teaching to eLearning or instructional design? If so, you’re definitely not alone! A lot of educators are exploring new opportunities in corporate organizations and it’s an exciting time to be a part of it! However, we know that making this transition can feel intimidating, especially in a crowded job market. But don’t you worry, we’re here to help! In this post, we will share with you three invaluable tips that can help you successfully make the leap into this exciting field.

Focus on Building Skills

Moving from a teaching career to instructional design requires a shift in focus toward developing practical skills that are highly valued by corporate recruiters. While your teaching credentials may be impressive, the corporate world places greater emphasis on hands-on skills than formal education alone. Therefore, it is important to invest time in mastering the principles of instructional design, project management, visual design, and eLearning development. The more proficient you become in these areas, the more attractive you will be as a candidate.

Refine Your Experience

Transitioning from teaching to eLearning design can pose some challenges, especially when it comes to explaining how your teaching experience applies to a corporate setting. To mitigate any misunderstandings, it’s helpful to use corporate-friendly language. For instance, instead of saying “lesson planning,” try using “curriculum design.” Similarly, you could use “stakeholder meeting” instead of “faculty meeting” and “evaluating learning” instead of “grading assignments.” This will enable potential employers to better understand the value of your teaching experience.

Build a Brand for Your Name

In today’s digital age, it’s becoming increasingly important to establish a robust online presence to secure opportunities in instructional design. To do so, you can cultivate your professional brand by optimizing your LinkedIn profile and presenting your aspirations and skills in an engaging way. Make sure to include a professional headshot, a catchy headline, and a summary that showcases your unique value proposition.

Additionally, creating an online portfolio featuring eLearning examples is crucial to provide tangible evidence of your capabilities. This portfolio should showcase your best work, highlight your design skills, and demonstrate your ability to create engaging learning experiences. You can also include testimonials from satisfied clients or even networking connections you recently made to further build your credibility.

To position yourself where corporate learning professionals congregate, you need to engage with industry professionals and participate in relevant online communities. You can join LinkedIn groups, participate in post comments, and attend industry conferences and events. This will help you build relationships, stay up to date with industry trends, and showcase your expertise.

Keep In Mind

    Transitioning from teaching to eLearning or instructional design might seem intimidating at first, but it’s definitely achievable with the right approach. By prioritizing skill development, redefining your experience, and building your brand, you can position yourself as a competitive candidate in the job market.

    What are your top tips for teachers making the leap into eLearning or instructional design? Share your insights in the comments below! Let’s empower each other on this journey of professional growth and transformation.

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